The ACI Advantage

Allied Construction Industries’ monthly e-newsletter is published on the first Friday of each month. Stay up-to-date with industry news, new projects in the tri-state area, and member updates.

The Cincinnati Constructor

ACI’s quarterly digital magazine with circulation to our 500 member companies.

Topics covered in the magazine include new member information, current events, industry news, member announcements, and more! Member-written articles are encouraged and a good way for a company to spotlight a project, new technology, or service. Advertising is also available.

For additional information, contact: Monica Edwards.

Want to Reach ACI Membership?

View the most recent version of the ACI Advantage newsletter here.

Custom advertising campaigns are available on our website, in our newsletters, in The Constructor Magazine, and in the ACI Annual Membership Directory. Grow your company’s brand awareness with our industry’s key decision-makers. Contact Monica Edwards.

For Marketing Opportunities

Monica Edwards
Director, Marketing & Communications
Email | 513-482-4723